Issue Position: Healthcare

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018

TennCare is a vital part of what the State does for our taxpayers, but it can be improved.

"I was discussing TennCare recently with a resident in South Nashville. She made me aware than TennCare doesn't provide dental or vision. Dental care is important, as it is a preventive medicine. Dental care prevents other types of diseases and illnesses, and regular visits to a Dentist help guarantee a healthier outlook overall. This will lead to fewer trips to the doctor for other issues.

Facts are on our side. Tennesseans support Medicaid expansion. A recent poll finds that 63% of our fellow citizens back this vital objective. We can't afford to turn federal tax dollars away for Medicaid, but that's exactly what our legislature just recently did. It's time for that sort of short-sightedness to end."
